Sunday, March 6, 2011


I  have a  Q?  4  the ones that read this blog (if there is anyone) and that are 50 or older.

What did  you do  For your  50th birthday?    U  C  eye  will  Bee  hitting that mark (LORD willing) in a few months.


Wendy said...

I was going to have a tea party (afternoon tea with cucumber sandwiches and teacake English style) but it wasn't a good time (family and health problems) so I never did anything...

jel said...

Wendy, sorry it didn't work out for ya! I prob, won't do any thing myself.

thanks for stopping by! :)

Paul Champagne said...

I won't hit 50 for a long time ... 8 days from now.

I don't plan on doing anything ... it's not something I want to celebrate.

jel said...

hey Paul, eight is a long time :)

50 aint that bad is it?

Anonymous said...

Yep,way! I'd started to say No way my kid sister is hitting 50 this year, but did the math and said, Yep it's time she came over to the dark side with me. 6 years between us, almost! So ya know where I'll be in Nov!

jel said...

what did you do for your 50th bday sis?

Corry said...

I rejoiced in it and was grateful seeing the 50 on the cake. Seriously! I have no problem with getting older, it means I am still alive, haha.

Love ya!

God's Grace.

Hannah Alexander said...

Um...can't remember now. Congrats for joining the over 50 club. Now you're smart...though you won't remember why. Mel was fifty last year, but he can't remember how he celebrated, either. I don't usually celebrate except to go hiking.